Saturday, December 4, 2010

Annual PageTurner Christmas dinner

These are "My Girls" and their handsome husbands. We meet once a month and discuss a recent book we all have read. Many insights and inspiration are shared as we share our thoughts concerning the events and themes in the books. We share our joys and sorrows and trials and triumphs with each other and have emotionally supported one another with grace and dignity for over 12 years.
 Maria Miller•••Darci Evans•••Heidi Fackrell•••ME•••
Mary Ellen Naylor•••Leslie Freidricson

Presenting my gift to these ladies took a huge amount of patience on my part. I bought the "item" in March while in Florida and kept it SECRET until last night!  It was worth the wait!

Love you "girls"!!!!!!!


The Dooley Family said...

Okay, I LOOOOVE the collage of John Naylor's faces!! It's making me miss you all terribly! :o)

Tara said...

Did I read that right?! You are HILARIOUS! Always so SUPPORTIVE. :) I'm impressed you kept it a secret for so long - too funny!!!! What a wonderful bunch of friends!