Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is a girl to do without SHOES!

It is not likely that I am wearing heels in the morning unless it is a Sunday. However, recently I attended a morning event where heels were required. After the service, I decided to dash through Sam's club to pick up milk and toilet paper. Thinking to myself, if other women can walk through this store looking all put together, why can't I?

My feet are not OTHER WOMEN's.


whitney said...

ouch! Those blisters look so darn painful!

Lori said...

The things we endure in the name of fashion! AMEN to the boy's shoes! AMEN!

Lori said...

Dear Steph~ forgot to mention that I wrote you a little note on the post about Carson's speech to his school!

Patty said...

YES I totally agree. I have the worst feet. I pamper my feet in shoes about once a year that cost way too much. I just heard about a brand I can't wait to try.
My favorite shoes:

tennis shoes, Addisas running shoes

flip flops, Teva's

Dressy, Sofft's

Granola style, Keen's

A new style I've heard about. They are called Wolky's. Sold on the Plaza for a whoppin' $150. But are supposed to be so comfortable. I can't wait to try them, someday!

Yaya' s Home said...

Ooooh! I'm so sorry for your poor feet. That looks like a bit more fun than I'd be willing to have.

~ Yaya
Yaya's Changing World

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

I wore heals to church today and after 3 hours (of mostly sitting) I could feel the BLISTERS coming back!!! I got to take them off!

Donna's Next Chapter Art said...

The longer I live, the more I realize the importance of comfortable shoes. Your miserable foot photo and your escaped animals header are terrific. Love your new blog! How do you get it to go all the way across the page?

Andrea said...

I love your mommy in the middle posts. Keep them coming.