Friday, April 9, 2010

Carson's BIG DAY

Today is a big day for Carson and before he headed out the door, we made sure to invite the spirit into his heart and those of his 100 5th grade classmates.

Carson has tourettes and his more recent TIC has been extremely noticeable. Several classmates have inquired (some in more teasing and demeaning ways) as to why he does not stop his behaviors because it is annoying to them. He will stand in front of those students and explain to them all about his "syndrome" and educate them as to why he can't control his tics.

The Tourettes Syndrome Association and our psychiatrist provided us with a thorough presentation that is kid friendly.

Carson says he is RELIEVED to be telling his peers and not nervous.

Prayers for CARSON please!!!   (and MOM too)

PS  Carson ROCKED the presentation. We are so proud of him.


Heidi said...

Stephanie--I just read your comment on my post on Mormon Women and am so grateful for your words! It can be so difficult to feel like the people around you truly understand and it can be very isolating. I am grateful for your generous heart.

whitney said...

I'm so glad it went well! What a smart way to educate his peers! What a brave boy he is!

Andrea said...

I didn't realize that Carson was dealing with that. That is so neat that he was able to educate others.

P.S. You look so great, and fit in that wedding dress beautifully. I couldn't even get my right leg in mine.

Patty said...

Amazing idea. What a great mother you are! It was a needful and brave thing to do for mom, dad and Carson. I can't wait to hear all about it. It was nice to visit with you the other night. I love your new blog too.

Christina said...

Please tell Carson what a rock star I think he is! I love that guy. :) And I love you and Brad for helping him understand his syndrome and how to communicate w/ other people about it. So proud of him for speaking up and sharing with his classmates!

Lori said...

Stephanie~ I've been meaning to respond to your posts about Carson. You are an amazing mother with amazingly gifted children. I can't help but think that the challenges we are given in this life only help to shape us into the incredible spirits Heavenly Father needs to accomplish his purposes. I have a brother-in- law and a cousin with Tourettes. Each one is dealing with it in different hasn't always been easy, but they are both accomplishing many great things in their life. Knowledge and acceptance are power. I think having Carson share his experience is a wonderful way to help him cope. It empowers him to move forward in a positive light. He is a lucky young man to have you for his mother. You're equally as lucky to have such an outstanding son! Know that you're not alone...that there will always be friends and loved ones here to listen and support. Love you!