Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BVN Band/Orchestra Concert--Brandon's last

Brandon has performed with this BVN special invitation only orchestra/band for 3 years. 
Steven Phalp directs this amazing group of students. As with many performances, 
the LIVE production was much more impressive than the recorded.

As this is Brandon's LAST time to perform with this group, we reflect on the many concerts 
of his that we have attended. These events have been so enjoyable for our family. We have 
witnessed such bright young musicians perform challenging and inspiring music. They are
led by dedicated directors who want the best for each student and work diligently to teach 
and mentor them. 

Although many of these performers may not pursue a career in music, the high school 
experiences are invaluable for their success in life. Not only are they motivated to 
excellence by their talented peers, but their minds are allowed to comprehend and 
organize complex musical theory and thought. 

"Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons.  You will find it is to the soul 
what a water bath is to the body".  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

As parents, allowing our children to learn and comprehend music has been an important 
goal and we are seeing the fruits of our labor in Brandon! Next year, he will join 
the BYU Marching Cougar Band and attend all the BYU home football games!
(at one point, he was convinced that he would be playing on the team, 
but marching is the next best thing!)
We are so proud of him!

Selections from the musical WICKED!!!

Symphony No. 5 OP. 47--Dimitri Shost Akovich

1 comment:

See Mom Smile said...

I have a Brandon too! He is finishing his sophomore year. He is a pianist. Piano music fills our house daily, and loudly!!! That is awesome he is going to the BYU and playing in the band! How fun. What great memories he will be making!