Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another REASON to enjoy the SEASON

Temperatures in the 70's at the end of August is so very RARE for our area, however, we are thrilled to enjoy outside activities in our JEANS.

Brandon and Hunter are diving right into school activity. Hunter is playing FRESHMAN Football (#90) and has to dress in his jersey and kaki's every Friday. Luckily, he can wear Brandon's Kaki's as I don't think I could muster another trip to OLD NAVY for pants for another boy! Unbelievably, the boys are the SAME size now! Hunter is also participating in marching band. This week, we attended their first performance of the season for BVN Mustang Stampede--a showcase of FAll sports and activities.

Both boys are attending Leanne Hansen's early-morning seminary so their day begins at 5:15 AM and ends at 6 PM for Hunter--followed by homework!

Brandon continues to work at Chick Fil A and often goes in after school. Here he is leading the BVN band in their 2009 Marching Show. Dr. Roberts is a fantastic director and mentor for him.


Laura said...

Fun stuff! Your boys are growing sooo fast! Seriously, if they hold still for a minute, can you actually watch them get taller?

val m said...

Sounds like you have a busy crew!! All you have to say is Chick-fil-A and I start craving it! We don't have one out here!!!

Lori said...

Tanya and I were just talking about attending early morning Seminary...all the other ladies in our Cancer group had release time! I truly believe Heavenly Father sustains those teens with a little extra during these busy years...because keeping that schedule now would exhaust me! Lucky for your boys...their HS colors match their future college! Awesome! How did you manage that? Enjoy this's going to go fast!