Saturday, September 17, 2011

17 comes much too fast

Hunter's birthday on September 12 always comes around so quickly and takes me off-guard. Especially after the 10-year-anniversary of September 11!

The morning of his birthday, I had not a present to share with him.

After I rolled out of bed and made a quick breakfast for him, I did not stop running and planning for Hunter's 17th birthday evening celebration. On the agenda included Sprint Store, HyVee, Aeropastle, and Sam's club for ribs and double-layer chocolate chip cookie cake.--a family favorite!

My evening activities were filled with a meeting for our High School band (I am the Parent Band President this year) and a piano lesson for Carson and then we ate a late dinner and had grandma and grandpa over for dessert!

 Believing that my second son is 17 takes my breath away. He will leave the nest in less than two years!
Hunter's favorite present was his upgraded HGC Sprint Phone. Now he can check his homework scores ALL the time.


Andrea said...

I bet that is what he will do with is phone too is check his homework. Great birthday. You do things fun at your house.

Saimi said...

Ah another September birthday! We have three all within a week of each other in our family. Looks like he had a great day!

Our youngest son just came home from serving in Oaxaca Mexico. Yep two blissful weeks and he was off to college...I miss my Monday emails! HA

Saimi said...

Oh and just so you know I'm not a weirdo stalking your blog, I saw you over at "Eve out of the Garden" I love her post she always has such a great perspective on things!

Hope you don't mind me following you!