Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wanting to become an expert...

For an embarrassingly undetermined amount of time, I have stockpiled water-tight tin cans of wheat in my basement. My rationalization was that if the Bishop family was desperate enough to need the "flour," the boys would be the ones grinding the wheat (with ROCKS!)

I resolved to grind the wheat using the convenience of electricity. I relied on the advice of friend's before purchasing this:

I set a goal for myself to use this handy device. I did not give myself a deadline. It sat on my counter for ONE its' shipping box!

Then I opened the box and read the instructions. It sat ANOTHER month.

Then I tried to watch the DVD and it did not work.

ONE more month!
Finally, I plugged it was LOUD......but it worked like magic. After one hour of grinding, I had 18 cups of wheat!   (I felt like the Little Red Hen)

and I was ready to make BREAD!

Also in my circle of friends, are bread-making experts and I sought out a recipe from one which particularly gets my taste's buds blooming!

I copied and pasted the recipe in my google docs recipe file:

And it sat for ANOTHER month!

You would be WRONG if you thought this grouping of ingredients sat on my counter for 1 month! I can only take so much and it stops at clutter in my kitchen!
..and after asking my expert friend, this yeast finally turned out. (this is my THIRD attempt--the first two were disastrous because I killed the yeast with HOT water)!

Take a look at this "doubled" dough! The experts DO NOT LIE!

...and finally, the finished product!

Relying on the advice of other's who have experience and tools for success often leads us to quicker success in our own goals, even though it takes us "months" of seeking, gathering, and contemplating the goal!

Now, it is time to EAT!

"if a man does not work, let him not eat."

...sure hope someone in my family reads this.....


Jaron said...

OOO, I so want that same grinder! Way to go - the bread looks yum!

Andrea said...

Awesome. It looks delicious. I have a bread recipe that uses only shelf stable ingredients when you are ready to tackle that project. It is so easy and yummy.

whitney said...

I love your honesty :)

yay! for homemade bread, you little red hen!

ps-I'd looove recipe. I'm always looking for a new one to try.

deila taylor said...

That's so funny, I just started doing the same, after all these years, and the wheat is still good--