Thursday, March 31, 2011

My grandmother----Hilda Olsen

It has taken me over 15 years to digitize video taken of my mother's mother, Hilda Olsen. In 1995. my Uncle Larry, my Mom, and I turned on the camera and let her tell her wonderful stories, with a little prompting! 

In this public blog, there are 15 video segments, approximately 5-8 minutes in length. Included before each clip is a synopsis of the contents. Also included is photos helping to visualize our ancestors and places they lived.

 Listening to my Grandma’s voice and seeing her face tell such delightful, insightful, and often humorous tales of her life gives one reminders of her enduring spirit. Through her life, her posterity can learn important lessons.

All because of this incredible digital age, sharing is easy!

ENJOY if you dare!

Front Row--Hilda Nash Olsen--Frank Lyder Olsen
Larry Olsen--Michael Olsen--Clair Olsen--Tamara Olsen Evans

1 comment:

HLFackrell said...

You should get a gold star as the family historian. Loved seeing the old pictures and my goodness Jessie looks so much like your mom.