Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our dear Neighbor

We mourn the loss of our dear neighbor, Ron Pearce. He passed away this morning in his sleep in the care of hospice. He battled melanoma cancer for 4 years. He spent much of that time as a participant of new studies and drugs to treat the disease at MD Anderson in Houston. His wife is so proud of him for his efforts to further the cure and treatment of this deadly cancer.

Jessie had another fever last night. It has been 36 days since the last fever. We were advised to seek the advice of an immunologist.

1 comment:

Lori said...

So sorry to hear about your seems that cancer affects so many. I'm sure they feel blessed to have you next door to comfort and support them in their time of need. Hope you find answers about Jessie's fever as well. I'm sure that is perplexing and a bit worrisome. We'll keep her in our prayers. Chin UP!