Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Carson turns 12!

January 12, 2011   •   Carson's STAR birthday  •  12!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We enjoyed a delicious meal at a new Chinese Buffet near our house for Carson's birthday. Not only are the offerings fresh and plentiful, but they also include exotic choices such as sushi, crab legs, mussels, and more. A special "cake" was presented by the chef to our very special young man.

I am so proud of the young man my sweet, kind, and careful Carson is becoming. Although he has some challenges to overcome, (tourettes/ADD) he has met these with a positive and enduring attitude. He shows that he cares deeply for his sister by spending time playing what she enjoys and sharing his treasures with her. He works diligently to complete all his schoolwork with determination. He is rewarded with good grades and teachers that enjoy his calm demeanor. Carson constantly asks intriguing questions and desires to do what is right in every situation. He will make a wonderful addition to his youth group at church as he accepts responsibilities serving the quorum.

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