Thursday, January 1, 1998

1998-2002 Cherringtons

From 1998-2002, the Cherrington family (Nathan, Jana, John, Emily, Allison) lived in KC while Nathan completed his PhD in science at  KU Med.  Jana also earned her PhD in toxicology while living here.

FUN FRIDAY NIGHT's were invented with the Naylor family. We lived 2 doors down from the Naylors and it was very convenient to use our 2 houses as playgrounds/bedrooms for the young children as the adults bonded and socialized. Mary Ellen's older boys, Rob and Joseph, often babysat for the younger kids and were such good sports about involving all ages of children.

When the Cherrington's moved to Tuscon, AZ and we moved to another house, FUN FRIDAY NIGHT'S were buried!

Jana and I were also Visiting Teaching companions. Such a delightful friendship.

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