Tuesday, May 9, 2000

Bishop Family Sing-Along 2000

Both of our families have a rich heritage in song. Many of Brad's ancestors enjoyed participating in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and my ancestors have performed in a number of special choirs. The boys carry on the tradition by singing in the ward choir.

This video is from 2000 when we all learned some of Brad's family songs that are so enduring at family reunions.  CLICK HERE!!

Enjoy the show!


Christina said...

Aw. I loved that. Those are such special songs to me too! I couldn't help giggling at little Carson and Brandon and Hunter. What a bunch of adorable kids! Not to mention you guys sounded good! :) Thanks for sharing, Steph!


HAha so brave to do that with an 18mo old present! I am very impressed at how well B&H learned those songs. Nice job.