I've attended all 4 of my children's Elementary School Field Days and watched them compete with their classmates in an afternoon of fun!
Jessica is a fifth grader and participated in her last field day and I participated in my LAST field day.
There was no tears, no pomp or circumstance, not even acknowledgement from other parents that we had hit a milestone with our family. I simply took a few pictures of my precious only daughter and cheered her in a few races and quietly walked off the field without looking back.
It has been my experience with Jessica to help and volunteer making sure SHE is the focus. I have headed her Chat n Chew group during elementary school, I have been her room mother and attended all her holiday parties.
Jessica gathered all of her elementary day Mother's Day gifts and put them in this creative binder! She also wrote a new poem and included it on the front! She is such a chick!!