Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cooking up a Storm

Malia Deshler and Jessie help make some  cookies with Mom. Jessie loves to help all the time when I cook. Malia is the oldest daughter of Chad and Monet Deshler. Funny thing, I used to babysit Chad when he was a baby for Don and Carol Deshler! Crazy that we now have daughters that are friends!


  1. Cute Picture!! Yum, the cookies look good! I just made some and blew my diet for the day - I don't think I have regrets - they tasted yummy! Such a cute mom you are!

  2. Those two are so funny together! We subbed their Sunbeam class the first week this year, and they totally took over the whole thing. It was hilarious. James and I just looked at each other and made predictions. Can you say Student Body Presidents? :D Oh, and we decided Gabi would be the Homecoming queen. Sunbeams are funny.

  3. They look so cute together. How did the cookies turn out?

  4. YUM!!! It looks like they are great friends.
