Sunday, January 18, 2009

SKATE CITY with the middle schoolers and CARSON

We took Carson and 7 friends to Skate City Friday night for a birthday party. The boy has reminded me once a month that he has not had a birthday party for YEARS! (which is true) Last year, I planned a party, but ended up having an emergency appendectomy on his birthday and the other years just slipped by. I'm sure he will need therapy sessions for that--oh yeah he goes to therapy for his Tourettes! 

The rink we went to was the SAME rink that I skated at when I was in Junior High. I wasn't a COOL kid so I did not hang out there on Friday nights like so many other teenagers! Friday night was littered with skater dudes performing their righteous moves to impress the chicks. Our little group of 10-year-olds was dwarfed by the crowd, however managed to have a good time.

Kyle Connoly and Carson Bishop
Colby Bullock    Carson Bishop   Karina Leon  Peter Bagley    Kyle Connolly
Don't Fall Carson

Sarah Wheeler
Jacob Forred   Dylan Bailey


  1. Jacob had a great time! Hanging out with his BEST buddies always gives him JOY. Thanks for being our wonderful friends.

  2. That totally brings back memories. I loved skating when I was a kid. I wasn't "cool" either, but my friends and I still had fun pretending that we were. You are an awesome mom!

  3. Looks like so much fun!! I think I would be afraid to skate anymore! My bones are getting old and I would probably shatter into a million pieces! Tiana had a small bday party yesterday. They had a 1/2 day at school and I picked up her and 4 friends and went to McDonalds for lunch and then they played at our house. When I picked them up, I looked back at Tiana and I knew I was in trouble - I could tell she wasn't feeling well. What do you do? They were already in the car and had been at school together. She said she had a headache and she did okay. In the middle of the night she came in crying saying she didn't feel well. She was burning with fever!! Agh! I feel bad for her and so sorry if she infected all those cute girls!!
