Monday, January 26, 2009

REMEMBER WHEN.......a trip down memory lane!

Anyone recognize this? Change is long overdue for this corner, although many memories come to mind when seeing these images. This is the OLD UNITED SUPER grocery store where as a 16-year-old I would shop for my Mom--always throwing in a TREAT for myself! I loved POP TARTS. I would walk in with a BLANK check and fill in the amount. Couldn't get away with that payment now.  This site became CHEROKEE SUN FRESH which closed about 6 years ago. It has sat VACANT ever since. Next to this spot, sat TG&Y store-- back in the 70-80's's! My friends and I used to ride our bikes and fill a bag with PENNY candy! We got quite a stash!  My favorite was Banana BB Bats suckers and POP ROCKS! They are building at Walgreens Pharmacy!

The 3rd and 4th picture is the site where WINCHELL's DONUTS used to be. After seminary, the gang used to go to Winchells to grab a bite. I remember there being an accident involving ice and a car running into a sign! I sure hope the seminary kids don't go to this site TODAY!

The last 3 pictures are of construction of the new Stonegate Pool. The old pool is where Brandon and Hunter learned how to swim and when I was young, I swam in the summers. As a teenager, I used to meet my friends there and hang out all day and eat Suzi-Q's. The city of Overland Park is currently building a state-of-the-art pool on the site planned to open this summer! Should bring in the crowds. 



  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I miss Overland Park!!

  2. I echo Alaina...thanks for posting this! I wish someone would do that for me with my hometown - I'm afraid I won't even recognize it when I get home next!

  3. I have a hard time with change! Don't you just wish things would stay the same! I am always amazed at how quickly things can change!

  4. That was a great trip. I remember all of those places.
