Thursday, September 25, 2008


I swiped my credit card today and joined WEIGHT WATCHERS for the 2nd time! I'm at an OUT OF CONTROL EATING STAGE and need some assistance. Maybe the pain in the pocketbook will motivate me to pay attention to what I consume as I'm running out the door or driving in the car! I'm glad I don't have to give up DIET COKE for the program! 

I attended my first meeting and realized that I'm not looking forward to all the COUNTING as my brain can't handle that now!

Any suggestions for yummy and quick low point value treats?


  1. I really like the Fiber One bars. It lists Carbohydrate Choice:2. So if that works... They sell them in a big box at Costco here, in the Oats and Chocolate flavor. Mmm.
    Wow so much football going on! I'll start praying for their knees! :)

  2. I've been doing Weight Watchers for a while now. Truly the best program for me. I like the WW Giant Fudge Bars. They are 1 point. I also like JELLO Sugar Free Pudding already made in the individual size servings. Also 1 point. Anything over 2 points I don't even bother. Good luck Steph :)

  3. I love wieght watchers, and I too love fiber one bars. I have done it for 6 years now, and it totally works for me. I love to pop up popcorn, and mix a little bit of marshmellow creme in it. It is a low calorie sticky treat. Good luck!!
