Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy 14th Birthday Hunter

On Sep. 12, Hunter turned 14. He had planned a party with a few friends and then his friends would join another group that were also celebrating a birthday of one of Hunter's friends. It was a great plan until the Kansas City Area experienced SEVERE weather. About the time the boys were to arrive, TORNADO SIRENS went off and we all went to the basement and turned on the TV. The watches lasted for several hours however, it did not stop the boys from arriving. We decided it was best for the boys  to sleep at our house instead of heading over to Hunter's friends to sleep in case of more severe weather. It took awhile for Hunter to process the change and we ended up spending 3 hours with the other boys celebrating their birthdays. WEIRD NIGHT!!!!!
The next day, Brandon traveled 3 hours to Wichita, KS for a football game and I took Hunter, Grandma, Grandpa, Carson and Jessie to Red Robin for yummy chocolate raspberry shakes. 
Hurricane IKE hit the Texas state and we watched CNN ALL Day to learn more of the devastating damage. So much loss of property for the people of the coast! How will they ever recover.


  1. Happy B-day Hunter! It is sad when natural disasters hit, but for the most part people are resiliant and they will rebuild and go on.

  2. Happy Birthday, Hunter! Love you!
