Monday, October 6, 2008


This has been a great week for Hunter as his team won their FIRST football game, he tackled his first player, AND he got CONTACTS!!!!!

After breaking his glasses in half, an emergency visit to the optometrist revealed Hunter's eyes had worsened by 2 prescriptions since last year! At the rate of change, the doctor predicted that he would be at a negative 6 by college!! The expert also diagnosed Hunter with progressive myopia-ever heard of that! He must of done an adequate sales job because by the time we walked out the door, Hunter was wearing monthly contacts. Hunter had NO problem wearing them and has experienced no side effects that some new lens wearers do. It also makes wearing his helmet and seeing his opponent a lot easier with VISION!


  1. Don't worry too much, Stephanie, I'm at a negative 8 in my contacts. I knew the optometrist pretty well during my growing up years! Contacts are great,though, and my eyes haven't really changed since college. Some doctors say that they'll get better when I'm in my 40's or 50's! We'll see. I'm not holding my breath! :)

  2. Hooray for Hunter tackling a member of the opposing team.
