Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer visits from friends

I enjoyed seeing my old roommate, Wendy Hebb Morgan, this summer. Although she lives in Arizona, she made a trip to Kansas this summer. Her daughter married a boy from Des Moines Iowa and her and her husband flew into Omaha to attend the reception. I only learned that she was in our area by seeing a Facebook post of her in Omaha Nebraska. Social media helped me connect with her and we met at liberty jail. The reunion was short and sweet, but so wonderful.
Wendy Hebb Morgan--BYU college roommate!!!
A visit from Brad's Cousin moving from the East Coast to Utah was also an added bonus this summer. Weston and Diana and their cute baby only stayed one night, but It was fun to get reacquainted.

Brad's Uncle Neil stayed with us one night as he was moving from Utah to Pennsylvania to begin a new job.

Summer is a great time to catch up with family and old friends!

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