Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hunter's plays as a senior in the BVN Band Camp

One of my dear friend's oldest son began his high school marching band experience with this FIRST week-long Band Camp. After the practices of the event are complete, parents, family and alumni of the school gather and witness what a week's worth of hard work can produce.

Freshman, sophomore, juniors, and seniors of the school work together to make beautiful music. This year's band has over 75 percent of the participants as freshman and sophomores.
Hunter's good friend, Kevin Tenney, is one of three drum majors. Both boys play the alto sax.
Hunter appears to the right of the boy with the red socks and red shoes!
I sensed Hunter's enthusiasm during this week as he began his senior year. He is truly feeling like a leader and proud to accomplished much.
Jessie appears as Hunter's favorite supporter.

As a section leader, Hunter leads the other alto sax players.

After a week's of triple digit temperatures, this performance was enjoyable to watch as the sky was overcast and bearable.

My friend's reflection of the performance helped me remember the reason I enjoy this experience so much. She said she had butterflies and chills listening to her son perform with the band. I too, remember well when Brandon began performing. I felt joy, pride, happiness, and contentment at his involvement in such an uplifting and inspiring group.

Video of their FIRST performance of the season appears below.

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