Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mid America Music Festival In St. Louis

Carson appears with Julie Silverburg's piano studio and her students at a summer recital. 
 Hearing Carson play on this beautiful Steinway is amazing to me!
Carson practiced diligently on two piano songs to prepare for appearing in front of two judges during the MAMA festival in St. Louis, Mo. on July 21.

The events of the Summer of 2012 prevented me from consistently encouraging Carson to practice these pieces. I was not present in the home for 15 days prior to this performance--5 days to attend Girl's Camp; 5 days in Branson, MO for a family reunion; 5 days in St. George, Utah to attend the funeral of my Uncle Larry Olsen.  Nevertheless, Carson received a "Superior" rating on BOTH of his piano pieces! The fact that he achieved this goal ON his OWN made me more proud than the rating itself. He is maturing into a very independent, accomplished, and compassionate 13-year-old.

St. Louis was the city where we made some unique and memorable experiences. The morning after Carson's performance, Carson, Jessie and I planned to wake up and see the sunrise in front of the Gateway Arch. Exhausted with anticipation, we hunkered down in our hotel beds at 8:30 and were sleeping by 9:30. At 11 PM, I was aroused by the loud, guttural sounds of intense bickering, screaming, and accusing in the room directly next to ours. A man's bold and bellowing voice continued to echo profanities for over half and hour before I called security. It took 4 hours later for the perpetrators to exit the room and for the noise to subside. As a result, Carson and I slept for only 3 hours--not nearly enough to sustain the energy of a anxious Jessica at 5 AM!

Because I had promised this delightful early-morning adventure, we all drove the 20 minutes to the arch and assumed a position on the steps near the arch........
The efforts were rewarded with this series of beautiful photos! Carson and Jessie had an experience to remember, and it did not cost a PENNY

In fact, our hotel's nights stay was FREE after I visited the Marriott manager and asked her to refund my money. She willingly did and apologized for the unfortunate incidence.

Good morning, Miss Sunshine!!!

So happy together!!!

Upon returning to our hotel room, Carson and I attempted to sleep for a few more hours while Jessie quietly entertained herself. (she eventually fell asleep from exhaustion in the CLOSET---her make-believe play land!

After check-out, we visited the famous St. Louis Science Center. The kids had a blast!

On the four-hour trip to Kansas City, I had to stop EVERY half hour so as to not fall asleep while driving!!!

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