Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jessica publishes her FIRST book

The week of July 19, Jessica participated with her good friend Maleah Deshler, in a week-long book publishing class. With 15 other students, she learned, practiced, and produced her own book, Three Cats are Brave. I was proud of her efforts and her excitement for this project.

My Mom and I went to see the books that the kids produced during the special display. My Dad was recovering from his 2nd back surgery in a nearby hospital so Mom and I snuck away.

 Dad spent 4 days in the hospital after a neurosurgeon removed MORE pieces of disc material from his lumbar space. Several complications arose after the surgery including some heart concerns and the inability to relieve his bladder. As a result, Dad needed a catheter and spent the next 6 weeks recovering at home in a hospital bed in Mom's front room as he was unable to climb the stairs to his room.
After so many weeks of pain, fatigue, and medication, Dad grew a new look!

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