Friday, January 2, 2009


Brad called from work yesterday at 9:30 AM and stated that I needed to come and get him to take him the the ER. He thought he had a kidney stone. He was in the middle of a patient consult when acute back pain hit. He quickly finished the conversation and left the room. I knew he was serious as he hasn't missed work in 20 years and has never been to the ER.

CT scan confirmed the stone and by the time we left the ER, the pain had subsided. At 9 PM, the pain returned and lasted all night. Brad actually threw up twice and if any of you remember, he has not done that in 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning, he took a shower and when he got out, the pain was dulled. He is sleeping now and hopefully, the stone has passed.

Welcome to the BISHOP family!

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