Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Working on basketball skills

Happy NEW YEAR! 

Brad, Brandon, and Hunter went to the LDS Stake Dance and Carson, Jessie, and I went to Kelly Linebacks house and spent the evening with the Naylor family and Amy and Steve Stephenson. They are long-time KC natives. We had yummy food and great conversation. Jessie entertained herself with Kelly's girl's toys--she has 3 girls and the youngest is 14. Needless to say, they weren't playing with the toys. Jessie was in heaven. She was in good spirits as I made her take an afternoon nap. She is all stuffy today with a lingering cold. So far, no other family member has come down with the virus.

It has been my goal this week to work with Carson on his basketball skills. This is the first year he has played and he needs much practice on dribbling and basic skills We go everyday to the REC center and I am enjoying the one-on-one time with him. We also play a little ping-pong.

Yesterday, we played a 2-on-2 pick-up-game with another girl and her father and I got SOOOOOOO winded. I am out of shape, but so was the other parent and he hardly made any shots so I felt pretty  good. Jessie stays in the play area. We plan to get the entire family on the court. Brad takes the teenagers and plays a REAL game of basketball so Carson won't get hit with the ball.

We saw Australia today-I would not recommend 2nd row seats---even HUGH JACKMAN doesn't look good THAT big. Although, I stayed the entire 3 HOURS. I loved the movie and so did Mom and Dad and Brad. Hunter and Carson saw Tale of Desperaux.

I'll post holiday pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph!!! So fun to see your blog! You look great! You have such a beautiful family! Looks like you are enjoying that little girl! Can't believe that your boys are that grown up! Wild! Have a great new year!
