Friday, August 8, 2008

Liz Sherwood Funeral

As it turned out, Hunter's football pick up is NEXT Thursday morning. I learned this after driving to his school at 6:30 AM only to find an EMPTY parking lot! Here we go with the anxious mistakes of having 4 children in 4 different schools. Did I mention that Jessie will go to pre-school this year--2 days a week!  Sob Sob!!!!!!

Liz's funeral was inspiring and humorous to say the least. Her husband and 4 grown children, very accomplished and talented, spoke about a funny moment that they remembered about their Mom and completed the story, "I was my Mom's favorite." Liz's only son stated, "I taught my Mom to text while she was in the hospital--"You are my FAVORITE"! He also described that his mom found joy in watching children fall down at skating rinks, although if they were hurt, she'd dash to their relief. 

Her youngest daughter (22) sang a beautiful song---WITHOUT breaking down. A true professional--American Idol someday??????--from Overland Park, KS!!!!! (This is the girl that will marry my good friend's son---NEXT WEEK in the Nauvoo Temple.)

Her husband also brought the crowd to tears and not from sorrow! From LAUGHTER! He stated that his wife never enjoyed the spotlight and said that she did not want people to talk about HER at HER funeral--"You are the one dying, Liz" I think we have to." But he honored her wishes and kept it short. The service was over in one hour-the BEST spent hour of my week.

I was amazed at the strength these individuals had to speak at their Mom's funeral and do such an inspiring job. Since her diagnosis one year ago, they must have anticipated this day and  been preparing to honor their mother by telling her STORY!

Our Stake President, 1st Counselor, and Liz's bishop also did an outstanding job presenting the plan of salvation and other thoughtful quotes.

One of the most touching moments for me was getting to sing in the Stake YW choir--as Liz requested. The girls were radiant and the song was magically composed by a man in our Stake for a Girl's Camp. I cried the entire time. I'm not much of a singer so I am sure no one missed my voice.

How blessed I am to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have such empowered role models to guide through times of trial.

"When we're connected to others, we become better people." R.Pausch


  1. I don't think I've been this inspired in a long time. I am a huge fan of Randy Pausch. READ IT everyone. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to have fun and you'll want to be a better person!

  2. Thanks for posting about the funeral. I was hoping that I could make it, but unfortunately could not...thanks again.

  3. Ditto to what Christal said. I wanted to go, but I wasn't able. I sent Sean and Rebekah to represent our family.
