Sunday, August 10, 2008

"The Errand of Angels"

Tomorrow, I will be sustained as the Lenexa Stake Primary President. I've known this for 3 1/2 weeks and it is KILLING me to not say anything--so here it is!

The inspirational, devoted, hard-working, fun, Becki McCloud, was the former president and with her help and other inspired leaders, I chose counselors. Although I have lived in this area all of my life--except for 10 years--I have never served in the Stake. Therefore, choosing unknown sisters from other wards to serve with me was HUGE! Two I have NEVER met, but are thrilled to get to know them and learn of their love of Primary and children.

Throughout my church service and life, I have been richly blessed by many talented, beautiful, caring, creative, thoughtful, organized, and helpful women. In a well-known LDS hymn, it is written,
"The errand of angels is given to women."

Thanks to all the women in my life who are ANGELS!
(these are only a FEW of them)

40th Birthday--My Mom, Me, Tanya, Chris--My BEST Sister friends

Anne Bishop---Tamara Evans---Grandma's to my children!!!!

OP 1 Primary Presidency-Patti Ward, Me,
Michelle Allen, Jennie Rounseville--1-05-03
Monthly Lunch Bunch--Kelly Lineback, Amy Stephenson, Mary Ellen Naylor, Me
Book Group-Mary Ellen Naylor, Leslie Friendricson,
Heidi Fackrell, Darci Evans, Maria Miller
OP 1 YW Presidency 2006--Gloria Lambert, Sara Judd, Kati Wheeler, Chris Manning, Patti Ward, Christal Forred, Andrea Urczyk, Me

YW Gangster LIPS--Gloria, Kamian Gille, Becki Somlyo

Lisa Larson---Can you Believe THIS
OP 1 RS Presidency 2008-Me, Lisa Isgett, Sherry Smith, Becky Brunson


  1. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I can't think of anyone who could do a better job! Congratulations! You are caring, loving, talented and very generous. The Lenexa stake kids are fortunate to have you. I'll keep you in my prayers!

  2. You are going to do great! You have a wonderful caring spirit. You'll be great caring for the children in our stake.

  3. the good ole' days

    you'll do great


  4. That's so exciting! And I agree that you will do a wonderful job! All the best!!

  5. What great women you've surrounded yourself with. I know a few of those ladies. Say hello to Darci, Heidi, Lisa and Janet.

    You and Janet together! How fun! I am jealous. Lucky kids!

  6. You will be awesome! I loved my time in the Stake Primary and I think you will find it very rewarding!! Can't wait to see you!!

  7. Congrats!!!

    I loved working in the Stake Primary--right before this latest calling. You'll be great!

  8. Congratulations on the awesome calling! I was telling Joe that I think you even LOOK like a Stake Pres! You were born for it! You are in line for some great blessings.

  9. That is too funny. I am starting a new blog that is public with some friends of mine that will contribute. Guess what it is called the errand of angels. The link will soon be posted on my blog. Anyways I too am thankful for inspiring women. Congrats on the new calling that is so wonderful.

  10. Congrats, Stephanie! That's awesome!

  11. NO WAY!!!!!!! Poor Sherry - she wrote me and said she may be losing Lisa too! But good for you! That will be a terribly fun but demanding calling. You're going to be awesome at it!
