Thursday, July 31, 2008

Living for Each Moment

News of Liz Sherwood, our former Stake YW president's (late 40's) death today reminds me again to make each moment count

She fought a short battle with adrenal cancer. When I served in YW's, she was such an inspiration and shared an incredible testimony during Stake Leadership meetings. 

Her daughter Shadow, will marry a dear friend of our family's, Trevor Hansen in 2 weeks. During the summer, Liz and her daughter spent precious time planning the wedding and reception, hoping that she would live to see her daughter marry. The Lord must of needed her and knows that Shadow will be in the careful and guided hand of her family during this happy time in her life.

I am reminded of a quote by the late Randy Pausch, "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

If you have a good hand right now, go and bless someone else's life with your good fortune.


  1. Thank you, Stephanie, for your reminder to cherish life!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm reminded of when Linda and Nathan were married and Stan died two weeks before the wedding. We all felt that this was how he was going to be able to attend is from the other side of the veil. I think Liz will be doing the same. And yes we can choose how to play the cards we are dealt.

  4. Dear Stephanie,

    Liz was one of the best friends I ever had. She made such a difference in my life. We both taught seminary in Oklahoma. Thank-you for your kind and loving thoughts. Your words were a comfort to me. How I love Liz. Do you have her poem: In a not so distant day?

    Candy Kinser
