Thursday, July 31, 2008

Brandon Eagle Court of Honor

Sunday, Brandon was awarded the Eagle Scout Award
During the week, Hunter received his LIFE and only has a few Merit Badges to complete until he begins his project! 
The pictures don't include Brad because he was rushing home to get the LAPTOP that I forgot for the video presentation for the night. Way to go MOM!

Jessie chose her feet-attire. It was NOT raining, but at least they are RED.
Thank you so much for all who helped Brandon in receiving this award and for the wonderful Court of Honor attended by so many friends and family. We love you and cherish sweet memories with you.
Brandon, Chris Davis, Luke Thompson, Matt Bayer, Daniel Baylor


  1. Congratulations Brandon! What a great accomplishment!!!

  2. Congrats Brandon! You are awesome, and you should be proud of this achievement! We love you, dude!

  3. Cingratulations Brandon and Mom and Dad. That is a huge accomplishment. Also way to go Hunter on getting your Life Scout.
