Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tamara, Jessie, & Bruce-grandparents!


I added a new section on the side of my blog with links to slide shows and our family You Tube site. Take a peek at the many pictures in Messie Jessie!!!!!! She has surely kept us busy!

I am celebrating my 42nd birthday tomorrow.  Mom and Dad took me to Elephant Bar and Mom made the family a tasty meal today-Sunday. I had a horrible headache after church and wasn't up much for celebrating. I love my parents-they always support me in all I do and love all their grandchildren.

Brad and I went to dinner and had a delightful meal at The Bristol and then I drug him swim-suit shopping. I restricted the event to only 1 HOUR as I HATE to shop for swimsuits, but fear my old, worn rag of a suit will fall apart the next time I swim with the kids. He had great suggestions and did not seem to mind!!!!

 We then welcomed a VERY excited Brandon from a Youth Conference in Nauvoo. He stayed up until 12 PM telling us all the tales of the 3-day event. I am so grateful that we have so many great and dedicated leaders to be with these fantastic youth to feel the spirit of such a historical place.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I hope it was wonderful. I am glad you did some fun things.

    Your ward is great. I am missing it so much.

  2. Happy Birthday, Steph! I hope it's fantastic! Always fun to hear about your adventures! :)
