Friday, June 27, 2008

A Chance to Improve......

With the craziness of the summer, I have been really trying to work on positive reinforcement with two of my children who tend to ARGUE much more than is necessary. No, I am not positively enforcing that they STOP arguing, rather giving SHORT positive comments when I do see them cooperating with each other. 

Given the fact that they are older, I fear they will get the reverse psychology of the situation and only rebel by fighting longer and louder.

When I keep my comments to only one word and move on, they have been responding with cooperation and kindness.

Oh yeah! Did I mention that the oldest sibling has been gone A LOT this summer? I believe that this plays a HUGE factor in me being able to inflict positive reinforcement instead of negative! There is less of them than usual!

1 comment:

  1. I need to do this. My two are fighting a lot. I need a solution. I am happy to use your advice. Thanks.
