Friday, November 6, 2020


Brad Bishop family (of 11!) QUARANTINE LIFE

Bradley Bishop: We used this: EURO


Two years ago to boost home WiFii. BEST DECISION OF the 2000’s!!! Turns out, his home office isn’t the contributor to dropped Virtual meetings. Children’s Mercy had to plan & implement daily changes immediately when the first child was diagnosed mid March and their IT has limitations. Telemedicine is now available as well as numerous other necessary changes. Brad is coping, evolving, striving, etc for peace & calm amidst an underlying psychosis of COVID 19 fear.

Stephanie: “I’ve prepared for this my entire life!!!”

Every household member has been mandated to watch:

  1. UNITY: (Come Follow Me: May 17)

Our Hearts are Knit as One:

  1. Dr Steve Stephenson:

Understanding CoVid 19 with the Science of Virology

  1. Dr. Sanja Gupta:

(After spending a year in space, Scott Kelly is an expert on managing extreme isolation. The retired astronaut shares valuable advice with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on how to cope with social separation here on earth.)

Working toward group projects, group games and wellness is the next big step.

Brallison’s: Brandon facilitates teaching high school students from home, completing courses for his Masters of Education, and creates content for a virtual summer Star Wars course. Allison tends to nurturing living things in her garden and home. Eliza & Charlotte spread joy & hopefully not COVID 19!

RUNTER’s: Hunter, Rachel, & newborn TYNDALE moved home to Kansas so Hunter could finish CNA & BYU classes and sustain employment. They sub-let their BYU apartment. The couple is navigating quarantine, newborn, and other humans throughout their space. ZONE 1 is their address.

Carson: Returned home from New Mexico LDS mission after being in quarantine for 60 days ONLY to be quarantined in his home ZONE 2. He’s healthy, happy, energized to be around his adorable nieces & nephew!! Hopefully, his previous employer will allow him to return.

Jessica: Finishing her last week of virtual High School as a freshman has been ever-evolving with the many changes to her living arrangements. She is a committed, intelligent, helpful, & conscientious student which benefits all whom associate with her. Summer: ZERO plans but to thrive, learn, grow and solve communal living problems from her ZONE 3 room.

Bradley Bishop: We used this: EURO (

  1. UNITY: (Come Follow Me: May 17)

Our Hearts are Knit as One:

  1. Dr Steve Stephenson:

Understanding CoVid 19 with the Science of Virology

  1. Dr. Sanja Gupta:

(After spending a year in space, Scott Kelly is an expert on managing extreme isolation. The retired astronaut shares valuable advice with CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on how to cope with social separation here on earth.)

Working toward group projects, group games and wellness is the next big step.



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