Saturday, May 30, 2020

BLACK LIVES MATTER: murder of George Floyd

10:30 AM home church conducting/lesson is CWB & JTB. I will have a yummy breakfast bake for breakfast & Fried Rice etc for dinner!!

Please pray for America & it’s protestors & police tonight! There is sooooo much emotion currently in many of our big cities. I’m saddened & horrified by the actions of fellow Americans: black/white/Asian/Latino etc. I’m grateful each of you has a strong morale compass and wouldn’t choose to escalate a long-standing problem with more crimes against people & property.  
Just a few months ago, these same first responders were honored as heroes. 

Injustice & racism does occur and property/people are then unjustly harmed with rioting.

It’s a vicious cycle. 

And a virus still lives in many bodies undetected. Let’s sure hope that aerosolized  particles being admitted by screaming & yelling voices    stays in the air and doesn’t enter mouths, eyes, & noses of protestors.

I fear in a few days, the answer to the above will be made manifest.

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