Saturday, May 9, 2020

A WEEK of thoughts

Lots going on in Kansas:

1. 2-week quarantine from a newborn and parents living in our house is only doable with LOTS of distractions and “very small threat“ of a hospitalized respiratory illness. The RUNTERS (Rachel, Hunter, TYNDALE) have the upstairs area equipped with microwave & fridge for basic needs and their own bathroom.Jess uses our bathroom. We have ZONES in other areas of the house for them to use. Dr Brad keeps us educated and monitored as to “social distancing” and germ therapy in our own home. 

2.  Hunter is completing a CNA course and is gone for 4 hours a day. The course ends in 4 days. Hopefully, he has secured employment at a residential nursing facility. (I am recommending he always has a full dose of his ASTHMA meds with inhaler available while at work.) Rachel is quickly recovering and adjusting to life with a newborn. TYNDALE eats, sleeps, poops and occasionally grunts!!!! A LIFE MANTRA indeed.

3. Brad rarely goes into the hospital for meetings. He uses ZOOM for meetings at home, our WiFII for hospital and administration projects. He has subsequently learned that his hospital is ill-equipped with virtual technology as he is denied access to ZOOM or other virtual meeting platforms.  He has not had a 12-hour shift treating hospitalized patients since mid March!!! Therefore, he has not had to shave his beard. Possibly, he will have a shift late next week. 

4. An unintended consequence for kids not being in school, on playgrounds, at parties, etc.  is no other viruses are spreading between them, therefore kids don’t need hospitalized services. Thankfully, he is still employed with full benefits and salary. He has many other projects to work on relating to hospital care. CMH has furloughed nurses and salary cuts for the BIG ADMINS! 

5. The BRALLISON’s (Brandon & family) have only been visiting about 30 min every other day and the girls are so adorable with TYNDALE!!! They know the “sickness” means they can’t touch the infant until next week. Eliza is reading with her Mom’s help! Charlotte is a compliant angel or defiant devil—NO IN BETWEEN!!

6. Brandon teaches from his basement, is finishing his masters, and securing Summer employment through a community college teaching his Star Wars class VIRTUALLY which is very popular. Allison is creating many garden projects and helped me get started with small garden of my own. I hope her efforts yield some fruit, vegies and sustenance. KS heat, bugs, squirrels, rabbits, are biggest challenge for producing edible food in our region. 

7. JeSs likes virtual school and is happy to connect with her many friends using social media. She reads, watches too much YOUTUBE, worries about body image and confidence and being good enough like most teens her age. I’m glad she is not rebellious and boy crazy!! Most of her knowledge on how to navigate these teenage feelings come from YOUTUBE experts! Thank goodness for positive role models!!!!!??

8. Elder Bishop is struggling. Keep thinking and praying for him.!!!

9. We have benefited from Home-Church and the Come Follow Me curriculum. We are no way near perfect in our attempt to facilitate this, but try—some days. I enjoy teaching my granddaughters for an hour on Sunday while the adults have their lesson. 

10. I’ve found a YOUTUBE 30 minute channel that provides the girls with a Singing/ Sharing time lesson presented by a lovely LDS primary instructor!!! I so enjoy hearing the girls randomly singing phrases from the videos. 

I’m “ok enough”!!!!

 I have created a lengthy project list for both houses and my BEST DAY would be for each of my children to embrace the listed projects, agree to make a plan to complete them using the tools Brad & I own and therefor build their skills and avoid boredom and therefore avoid getting into trouble. 

Also, that Brad & I can agree on how to plan & facilitate managing our adult humans without destroying our own relationship. !!!

SIMPLE request, RIGHT???

Some fun happenings include discovering a bat on our front porch at dusk!!!!!!! I went into full RAGE mode and cleaned, sanitized and hopefully prevented possible re-roosting by donning a homemade HAZMAT suit while completing the above. Two weeks later, the moth balls hung & stored in some old panty hose near the roosting site is doing the trick.

What is it with BATS & the BISHOPS?!!!!!!

Last Sat.. I was preparing the room for the RUNTERS when I heard loud chirping sounds in the wall opposite their bed!!!!!!!! FULL RAGE MODE ensued and I stormed out of the house and drove away to “reboot”!!!!!!

I came back 1 hour later and Brad (minor help from Jess) had eradicated a birds nest with 3 small
Birds!!!!!!!!! and sealed other possible entries!!!!!

We have hired a contractor for $2,500 to repair siding near where Mama bird built a nest for her babies!!!

Brad’s colleague recommended the book QUIET. Introverts revealed. I’m listening to words by using my IPhone’s feature of “text read” It allows me to complete other tasks while listening which I am good at. 

We are grateful for you, Anne! You are a gifted teacher, writer, quilter, sewer, and intelligent in conversation. 

May you be at peace today!!!

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