Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Today, I found a wedding ring  worn by my father tucked deep in my wallet where I safely placed it one year ago directly before he passed away. (I’ve organized my wallet no less than 10 times since 10-24-2017)! This ring reminds me of my father’s simplistic and non-flashy lifestyle. He owned the same red coat for over 20 years and when it wore out, he bought the closest replica and wore it 20 more. Even though, sporadically during his 80 years, he might have had the means to “show off” he often chose to “barter” for goods & services, sometimes getting the lesser deal. He also shared much of what he earned with those in need of basic necessities. Frugal living is often rewarded intrinsically and valued unrealistically. I am grateful for Dad’s example of this principle.

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