Saturday, July 15, 2017


Garen Nash and family moving out in July 15 2017. Our neighbor Mary Ellen took this photo

Several violent, windy, raining storms knocked over old trees in neighborhoods throughout our region. We spent many hot Summer days sawing, hauling, bagging and moving downed tree limbs from our own home, our rental home and my parents home.

AT LEAST we did not have THIS HAPPEN.

But a tree DID fall on our renter's vehicle in early May when Carson graduated from high school.

We took possession of our rental house on 7-22-2017 and had a huge to do list and only until Late August to get it done.

There are many screen shots included in this post to remind me of tools, resources, equipment and labor needed to put our rental property in livable for Brandon and Allison

Carson Jessie Brad and I spent an afternoon cleaning up a limb from our backyard. I am glad we are all healthy enough to accomplish this tasks without much effort.

Hunter came home for 40 days to help us get our rental property ready for Brandon and Allison to move in. Here is a list of what we did:

1. Cleaned, sanitized, Deoderized, Walls, ceilings, floors, windows etc
2. Used KILZ PRIMER to kill smoke smell in 5 rooms
3.  Painted 5 rooms
4.  Ripped up 25 year old carpet
5. Cleaned and shined existing hardwood floor
6. Cleaned , sanded, buffed, stained and waxed hardwood floorS in 3 bedrooms
7. Due to a HUGE rainstorm, the basement carpet needed to be ripped up and replaced. HMB CWB and Mom did it!!
8.  Brad fixed sinks, windows, doors, locks, bath tub, 
9. Cleaned up and mulched garden beds in yard
10. Cleaned up yard

Brad, Hunter, Carson and I sanded, cleaned, stained and waxed three bedrooms in the rental house and returned them to this beautiful state.

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