Thursday, August 11, 2016

SCHOOL: 2016-2017 and Eliza is 7 months old

Carson spent his last day before becoming a SENIOR reading a book in our tree. He was determined to enjoy these moments despite the 105 HEAT INDEX in our lovely state of Kansas

This beauty is beginning a new school with all new teachers, lockers, and classes. OTMS is getting the LAST Bishop child!!!!!!!!  OY

Jessica barely lets me take her picture. What is this over-picture-taker-to do?

Brushing his teeth in the car has been a habit for YEARS!

Carson is participating for 3 hours a day in this Blue Valley program called CAPS. He gets to be introduced to all things engineering and hands-on equipment and companies


A family in our ward had an emergency water leak and I volunteered to watch these beauties while the kids had their FIRST day of school! It was a crazy, busy 4 hours!!!!!

Auroa, Emory, Dresden, and Faith Keine--the lovely family will be moving out of our ward into their new home.  SO SAD

Eliza is now 7 1/2 months and we quickly snapped these beautiful pictures.

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