Sunday, November 22, 2015

Carson's talk on the Holy Ghost

Talk for Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hello everyone. Today I’ve been asked to talk about the Holy Ghost and how it has affected me. As I’m sure you all know, the Kansas City Royals recently won the World Series, and everyone was super excited. So excited, in fact, that school was canceled the day of the parade celebrating the victory. The Royals haven't won the World Series since 1985, so naturally everyone wanted to go to the parade, my family included. I have now come to regret this, but I don't regret what I learned there.
Because everyone had the same idea, the entire downtown area was packed- I'm sure you've seen pictures. There was hardly any room to move; but that was only if you were able to find a place to park your car. My family decided it would be best for us to just get out a little ways away from Union Station and have my dad find a parking spot. So we got out of the car and he drove off and we figured that was the end of it. We eventually found a spot by a tree, and it was around then that we realized-- the cell phone service was down for every carrier. Not only could we not use our phones to contact our dad, we couldn't borrow anyone's phone to contact him, and essentially we were stuck at Union Station without a way to get home. Needless to say, the prospect didn't thrill us too much. So Hunter and I set out to try to find some tiny inkling of service, to almost no avail. A few texts got through, but none of them had helpful information on where we were. A call got through, but it wasn't answered. Having had no luck, we went back to the tree and were about ready to give up and wait who knows how long for the crowd to disperse. We kept trying to contact him, but it still had no effect. Eventually, however, I started to feel a need to pray. I'm not sure how long it took, but I did act on that prompting. And almost immediately afterwards, I started having ideas of how we could get our location to dad. The one that seemed most likely to work was using the bright pink of my sister's jacket to make us stand out as much as possible. So I put Jessie on my shoulders and about five minutes later, due to lack of muscle, I decided I wasn't the best guy for the job. So I got Hunter to carry Jessie and I told Jessie to wave her arms around and bring as much attention to us as possible. And after a few minutes of making fools of ourselves, my plan worked! Dad found us and Jessie quickly got off Hunter's shoulders, and we were able to get home safely after getting to see all the players on stage saying stuff we couldn't hear.
The Holy Ghost prompts us to do things for a reason. He is God's messenger, and what he prompts us to do is what God wants us to do for our own good. If we listen to that still small voice, we will be able to have peace in this life, and eternal life in the next. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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