Monday, June 17, 2013

Colorado High Adventure 2013

Carson and Brad drove with a caravan of Scouts from the OP 1 ward for the annual High Adventure in Buena Vista, Colorado. The first night of the 4 day adventure, Carson spent sick in the bathroom and in his tent. Brad stayed with him through the night and all the next day while the other boys went river rafting. Brad and Carson discovered a nearby town of Salida, CO. These photos are of their delightful road trip.

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With a lingering virus, Carson and Brad chose to participate on a hike together and protect the others from the nasty sickness. These photos were taken from the day's events. It was a clear, crisp beautiful spring day in June.
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This river raft trip was cut WAY TO SHORT when a raft carrying a load of scouts got stuck. It was nearly impossible to get the raft out and to make matters worse, RAIN and HAIL occurred on a bright, sunny day!!!!!!!

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