Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kiki works with Carson on his Electric House Project: Visiting the Forreds on our way to Galveston, Texas

The day before Spring Break vacation, our dear friend and neighbor, Kiki and Jared Manning, assisted Carson in completing a 7-hour project for Mr. Melia's Middle school Science class: the Electric House! Brandon and Hunter completed this assignment many years ago and I knew what to expect. The Mannings provided a mentor for Carson as he is struggling on managing his Tourette's, OCD, and ADD. An outside influence whom Carson has bonded with has proved to be an efficient motivator for our struggling teen.

On our way to Galveston, Texas for our FIRST ever family cruise, we stopped in Allen, Texas and visited with the Forred family. Christal continues to inspire me with her positive attitude despite dealing with adversity in her families' financial life. Carson loved his play time with Jacob even though it was very short!

We also spent one and a half hours with Karalie Lowe, a friend who moved away from KC over 8 years ago.

Jessie spiked a fever on our 5-hour drive from Dallas to Galveston. Our trip to a local Walmart not only provided us with Ibuprofen and Tylenol, but lunch before we boarded our home for 7 days, Carnival Magic.

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