Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Service with friends can get the job done

Kicking off the Christmas season serving others and working with friends is a great way to begin the holidays. Joyfully, Jess, Maleah, Kai, Nya, and even baby Loic Deshler assisted residents of a nearby retirement village in preparing their homes for the season. We joined with many other members of our church family in creating a festive atmosphere for the residents.

Click to play this Smilebox collage

Serving others has always been a value I have desired to teach my children. Working along side the boys at Harvester's, meals on wheels, raking neighbor's leaves, delivering baskets of goodies to friends, and other small acts of kindness felt so good despite the challenges that 3 young boys can cause. Now that Elder Bishop is serving on a mission and Hunter and Carson are teenagers and often engaged in social activities such as campouts and college application essays, I find myself alone with Jessie teaching her these values. It always works better with her friends learning too!

Attending a performance of a Community Theater's ballet Nutcracker was another highlight of this day.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

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