Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012: First Mormon ALMOST elected President

The Republican Party is a "Mad Men" party in a "Modern Family" America"------ interesting quote from a commentator!

Our beloved Republican candidate and presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, lost tonight to second-term president, Barrack Obama.

I visited Jessie and her classmate, Brinkley Burress, for lunch at their elementary school on Tuesday, November 6---ELECTION DAY IN AMERICA!
They were proud to wear their "I Voted" stickers as they got to participate in a MOCK election. The winner was THEIR FAVORITE TEACHER!

While watching the election results on television throughout the night, we snacked on RED, WHITE, and BLUE SNACKS. It was a very disappointing night indeed and even red, white, and blue snacks could not relieve us of the funk we were in while observing Mitt lose.

I came across this post on FB, written by Leslie Huntsman Jamieson, my sister's sister-in-law married to a resident in training, and it mimics so much of my feelings perfectly:

2 days post election and I am still so deflated. I can't stay quiet. How could America let Romney slip through their fingers? What an opportunity lost. So who cares about the economy anyway...they say the social issues are what got Obama in. I am pro-choice too. When you CHOOSE to have sex with someone and CHOOSE to potentionally create life, that's where the choice ends my friends. Sexual sin is 
still a serious sin. May I include adultery, pornography, and pre-marital sex in there with homosexuality, even though those have long been WIDELY accepted. I read a magazine article the other day where Michelle Obama touted her husbands support of women being the breadwinners. I am sorry, but who is raising our children? I am a educated, talented, strong woman and I have made this choice to raise my children and give them the best at great personal sacrifice. Where am I getting my validation or 'pats on the back', well not from the world, that's for sure. And for those who will or are making over 250K. Well that will be us. Yes, they are people you know. My husband is a FIRST generation college graduate, who has worked his tail off for ten years in school and training, worked Saturdays and evenings to pay for our children's clothes we buy from 'once upon a child', and the possible happy meal trip once a week, oh and heaven forbid, dance lessons for our oldest. We could cut back there. Only to come out of this long journey next year having to not only repay our $250,000 in school debt but to have to pay over %40 in taxes. Oh yes, we will still have enough money left over to live, and and we will and have always planned to be generous, but this is NOT the answer for our economy. I am worried for our nation and my children's future. We are becoming a selfish, God-less nation. I will pull myself together and support and pray for our countries leaders, but will not change my standards or look to them or the media for social guidance. I will look to God and live.

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