Monday, June 4, 2012

Young women's camp 2012

In February 2012, I was asked to preside in the kitchen for young women's camp held at Camp Naish the first week of June.

The assignment they asked me to fulfill was head camp cook. Basically, I needed to plan nine meals for 150 leaders and girls. I needed to plan the meals, budget the money for the meals, shop for the food, store and manage the food, and prepare and serve the meals

Needless to say, this was a daunting task. After I accepted the assignment, I immediately began preparing and organizing for this huge project.

The morning of the first day of camp, many helpers and my committee loaded the food for transport to Camp Naish. We needed 4 large grocery carts of food for the week of  camp.

I spent months researching food prices, creating Google Docs to organize data, communicating with my committee and planning to create these meals in a timely manner making sure the food was tasty and inedible. Having never been involved in cooking at a large-sized camp, fear of failure was a large motivator for me.

Katie Wheeler, Radawn Bagley, and Kara Sinsel!

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