Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Celebration--Union Station

Celebrating Memorial Day and the start of Summer 2012 began by attending a FREE KC Symphony Concert on the lawn in front of Union Station. It was a beautiful night and a fabulous concert.

Tana Lloyd joined us in the FUN of the evening!

I turned my iPhone over to Jessica and she had a BLAST taking pictures. She did not do too bad!!!

Notice the date on this SHIRT---2000! This is Brad's favorite t-shirt as the fit is perfect--even after all these years and washes!

We enjoyed a lovely evening listening to a FREE KC Symphony concert on the lawn at KC's own Union Station Sunday night. We invited Sis. Tana Lloyd to join us. The crowds were amazing and very supportive of the music, fireworks, and fantastic musicians of the symphony! We were delighted at the site, sounds, smells, and events of the breezy and humid night. What a great way to start off a delightful Summer. Hunter met up with Amanda Hedrick as none of his other friends wished to attend. She sat with us on the lawn. I think he talked to her a little. He seemed a little nervous, but she is a senior! 

Carson met up with his Deacon friends and Jessica took some lovely pictures of the crowds and buildings surrounding the venue. I sent them to you. She is a pretty good photographer!  

A yummy brisket is cooking in the oven and the smell of it is killing me! Tomorrow begins the FIRST SWIM TEAM practice for Carson and Jessie at 7 AM. ARGHHHHHHHHHH.

Next week, I will be attending the Lenexa Stake YW Girl's camp as the head cook. I am in charge of feeding 130 people for nine meals. I have been planning, organizing, delegating, and shopping for the menu for the past several months and I HOPE my plans go accordingly! I am quite nervous, but I have really great helpers and staff to assist and make it a fun and happy time, despite all the work it will take to feed that many people!

Welcome to our SUMMER!!

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