Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!! 50 years

April 27, 1962------April 27, 2012--
William Bruce and Tamara celebrated 50 years of marriage.
 It was not the dream day they would of wanted, but we all survived!

April 24, 2012--An ambulance took Bruce to the hospital, after his right leg gave out and he fell down four stairs. After an MRI revealed major lower back disc damage, a neurosurgeon admitted Bruce and he underwent a surgery to remove 5 large pieces of a herniated disc on Tuesday, April 25. He is spending 7 days in a rehab hospital to help his injury heal quicker.

 Aunt Sharon and Lyn Belnap, Dad's only sister, visited Dad before moving back to Logan, Utah. They have spent one year in Independence, Mo on a church genealogy mission..

Our family spent the evening SKYPING and FACETIME with my siblings and my Dad in the rehabilitation center. He was very weak, but I think he was excited to hear from his kids on his anniversary.

On top of assisting my Mom with getting my Dad the help he needed, I hosted a bridal shower for Jasmine Gille on Tuesday and arrived home just 15 minutes before the shower began. I wanted to stay and consult with the neurosurgeon after he completed Dad's surgery. One NEVER wants to miss an opportunity to speak with the Doctor as they pass sooooooo quickly.

The shower worked out well only because I delegated many of the responsibilities to other friends and had it all planned a week in advance, including purchasing the paper products, food, and snacks. Thanks to all the wonderful helpers, we pulled off a nice evening for the bride-to-be! She was loved and embraced by all.

All week, I worked diligently to keep my composure and be strong for my worried mother. She was a wreck. This was my Dad's 13 surgery and we can say we KNOW the routine now! But it was still a VERY stressful week!

Oh, another little addition to my life's responsibilities, I was called and sustained as our ward's relief society president! Just a teeny weeny life-changing calling! NO BIGGIE!  lol

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