Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jane Manning James and Eliza Partridge Lyman--Brad's great great great grandomther

While watching a documentary entitled Nobody Knows:  The Untold Story of Black Mormons--Darius Gray and Margaret Young, Brad learned about a very touching story involving one of his descendants, Eliza Partridge Lyman.

With tears in his eyes, he shared the most tender parts of the story.

In 1850, Eliza Partridge Lyman wrote:
April 13: Brother Lyman [Eliza's husband] started on a mission to California with O. P Rockwell and others. May the Lord bless and prosper them and return them in safety. He left us . . . without anything to make bread, it not being in his power to get any.
April 25: Jane James, a colored woman, let me have two pounds of flour, it being about half she had.

Read the entire article here:

Jane Manning James:  Nothing Feeble in Her Example

What a beautiful reminder of the blessings of blacks getting the priesthood in 1978.

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