Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to my THIRD teenage boy!

Carson Whitaker Bishop
Happy 13th Birthday--January 12, 2012

We celebrated Carson's birthday by going to one of his favorite restaurants, Red Lobster. Mostly, Carson eats the biscuits and takes the rest of the food home to be consumed later. He takes after me in this regards! 

Famous Bishop Marble Cake with almond flavoring

 Grandma and Grandpa Evans join the birthday celebration
 He received some games for his gifts and his father surprised him (and me) with a drum set!  Of course, it was on a STEEP after Christmas sale! It would not be my first choice and I was relieved to hear Brad comment while listening to the kids "practice" on the set in the basement---

"What have I started," he lamented!  The peace and quiet is no more!

JENGA with the family!

Teen birthdays, for me, are very loosely planned! In fact, Carson had two friends attend a movie and "playdate." I took the boys to a grocery store after the movie and they picked out their favorite snacks to eat which included a sandwich, French Silk pie, donuts and a star fruit for FUN!  It seemed like the boys had a good time and I had no STRESS!  

(I even enjoyed the movie, Tin Tin, in 3D!

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