Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Homemade Nativity with the Missionary Moms

I am so grateful to be apart of my Missionary Mom's support group. We gather once every 3 months to create care packages for our nine missionaries. The theme for the pictures below was Preparation Day items and included some very creative things to keep the missionaries engaged, motivated, and energized on the day they do many of the mundane, daily living things such as laundry.

 This is the LAST time Darci Evans will be sending a package to her son, Landon, as he arrives home the first of December. We are so excited for her.

 Heidi Fackrell--Diane Fackrell---Chris Manning---Jessica Bishop---Me---Leanne Hansen---Darci Evans---Mary Elen Naylor---Dani and Jenna Fackrell

For our Christmas package, each mom made nine figures of the nativity (using Crayola Model Magic) and we gathered together and secured one homemade Nativity set for each missionary. We welcomed Ruth Campbell to our group and said goodbye to Darci.

 Ruth Campbell's daughter is in Oslo, Norway.

 Carson and Jessie made the camels and Mary
Kiki, Joshlin, Chris, Kevin Manning

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