Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Jessica's FIRST Easter

For Jessica's first Easter, my sister Chris and her daughter Katherine visited to meet her and spend Easter with us. Gathering together and coloring Easter eggs and cookies is a fun family tradition that we recognize will NOT last forever! (notice Brandon is NOT pictured)

 The boy's interest in this time-honored activity begins to dimish as they approach "tween-dom!"
(notice Cody's expression!

Hunter's smile shows how happy he is to be around his cousins and family!
Hunter is thinking about what he will do to color his egg
A broken arm does not stop Kat from participating in the fun
This activity involved EATING the creation!  YUMMY!
Aunt Kim admires her FAVORITE niece!
Brandon does not want to share his candy finds.
The EASTER BUNNY must be tall!
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

This smilebox contains pictures of our Sunday BEST dress and other photos set to music.

Kat helps bathe Jessica. She was so gentle and careful with the newborn!
Combing the baby's hair is so much fun! and she is not even crying.
I look exhausted and pained in these pics! Not only am I recovering from Jessica's birth, but I am dealing with a ruptured disc in my lower back and was in extreme pain. I had back surgery in July of 2005.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE going back and looking at baby photos or photos of the kids when they are younger. I might just have to do that. Hunter looks so young and now he is such a "lady killer"!!
