Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dr. Circle Honor Concert

Saturday, May 9, 2009 was a real treat for Grandma, Grandpa, Carson, Hunter and I as we attended a fabulous concert featuring the BEST of Blue Valley students from middle and high school bands, orchestra and choirs. The event honored Dr. David Circle who has been an outstanding music educator in the Overland Park public school system for over 45 years.

Hunter was chosen from his middle school as one of three 8th grade students to play his alto sax in the Blue Valley middle school band.

Directly after Hunter's band completed their 2 songs, there began a commotion 2 rows in back of us. A gentlemen, who is the father of a Blue Valley North senior band student-Chris Iszory, had a seizure. Those sitting near him called for a nurse and doctor and to dial 911.  A slew of FIRST RESPONDERS rushed to lift the man out of his chair and onto the floor. They quickly used their collective experience to assist the man as a young, down syndrome boy offered his oxygen to the man to help him breathe. Although there was a sense of panic, all remained calm as the trained professionals kept the man stable until the paramedics.

My eyes welled with tears for this man as I've seen him countless times supporting his son at various band performances during the last 3 years. He walks with a cane and never lets that stop him. I realized that I've never spoken to him and what a shame. I vowed to approach him and converse with him as he definitely has challenges.

The honor concert concluded with an incredible tribute to Dr. Circle composed by Troy Armstrong--BV West Senior headed to Southern California Thornnton School of Music.  This talented young man composed an emotional movement based on CIRCLES--Drum Circle--Endless Circle--Vicious Circle--Circle of Faith/Full Circle.

The standing ovation he was rewarded was not near enough to honor this up and coming composer nor Dr Circle--music mentor to thousands of teachers in our area.

name on the movies of 2017-2020 era!


  1. Couldn't get a link to the "Circles" song. Sounds interesting though...

  2. When you clicked on the LINK to Circles--did it take you to YouTUBE and my account? It should have given you 4 songs. You click on the MOVEMENT and wait for the intro to load and listen. Maybe try a different computer. It is WORTH it especially if you can hear it in the background.
